Harambee Chicago is a job training ministry modeled after a successful ministry in St. Louis. Harambee is a Swahili word meaning, "Let's pull together!" it's a call to unity, which is something our divided city needs. We provide job training to youth though classroom training and practical hands on experience on our volunteer projects in the community. Our youth participants volunteer rebuilding and restoring their own communities through providing tuckpointing free to all homeowners who qualify. It's amazingly powerful to see young people at work rebuilding communities where violence and neglect have been the norm--and especially redemptive for older neighbors who gain new hope for their community as they see a new generation bringing restoration.

The mission of Harambee is to transform and encourage at-risk youth with the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ and empower them to know and experience the value and dignity of work by training and mentoring in biblically-based work-ethic.