Of the more than 100 community art centers established by the WPA, the SSCAC is the only surviving art center and the oldest African-American art center in the United States. The mission of the SSCAC is to provide arts education to our local community, maintain and grow our permanent collection of original African-American artwork dating back to the 1940's, provide exhibition and gallery space to local artists, develop a body of collectors, and increase opportunities for African-American Artists.

Of the more than 100 community art centers established by the WPA, the SSCAC is the only surviving art center and the oldest African-American art center in the United States. The mission of the SSCAC is to provide arts education to our local community, maintain and grow our permanent collection of original African-American artwork dating back to the 1940's, provide exhibition and gallery space to local artists, develop a body of collectors, and increase opportunities for African-American Artists.